Monday, June 1, 2009

Man on the run

Honest, good, peace loving citizens usually bask in the knowledge there are the courts of law for civil justice, and the police for law enforcement. When the unfortunate and unexpected happens, they first turn to the police, and then sometimes they weep and cry, and the shock and audacity of their perpetrator overwhelms them. Anger, rage, and hatred for the uncivilised. The police will get them, I'll sue him they say. Justice is fair.

Time passes, the rage dies down, but the hate still remains. The police say their doing their best, the court has no evidence. What can a good citizen do? Join the police and be a tough guy? Life isn't as dramatic as in the movies.

Turn to the right friends-- But some people treat them like the church, going only when there's trouble. And they dont want to be in their debt. Well the only debt is loyalty my friend.

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